How Do I Choose What Architect Is Best for Me?
Alright, so you have decided you want to hire an architect, or at least you have considered the possibility enough to do a little research. Now you want to know how you are supposed to decide on an architect, when you don't know anything about architecture, which is why you need to hire an architect! Whew... First things first, how do you find an architect to work with? I have a few recommendations, first, ask all of your friends and acquaintances if they have worked with an architect, know an architect, or can recommend one. Word of mouth is the single best way to find someone you are willing to trust with a project as personal as designing your home, building, or space. If your friends are unable to provide you a name or two go on to your local chapter of the American Institute of Architects. Or simply Google: Architect, your location, and whatever you want to build. How will you know if they can meet your needs and give you everything you want? Maybe you have done some research...