Just Say No To A National Gun Registry

 I was having a discussion with a friend today who, although very liberal on most issues, is somewhat middle of the road when it comes to gun control. He is not against concealed carry, but does favor far more background checks - especially on sales from a private individual to private individual. He is a bit surprised that I am against this. "Why?", he asked. First, let me preface my reasoning with a little information about me. I am not an anarchist. I am not a doomsday prepper. I do not believe we are due for a revolution, certainly not within my lifetime. I like having SOME government (don't tell my anti-statist friends though). All of these beliefs being so, I must admit that I do fear for the generations that come after my death (I do hope to have at least another 40 years, which would get me into my 80s). So back to my friend. Why do I disagree with him? Well, it is simple. Background checks on every sale, specifically private individual to private individual, would lead to a nationwide gun registry. I am very much against having one of these. My friend countered, very proudly I might add, that we must register our cars. Why not our guns? This is simple. Nowhere in the constitution does it guarantee the right to keep and own cars. We all caved on the licensing of cars and drivers about a hundred years ago. Our founding fathers specifically put verbiage in the constitution allowing us to keep and bear arms. There are different interpretations as to what they meant, but I believe at least part of their reasoning was so that we could protect ourselves from a tyrannical government or those who wish to do us harm. Do I believe that our government is tyrannical? Well, not quite yet. We are still the most free nation on earth. I do not like to path our country is on, but I do not feel it is to late to right the ship. Having a national gun registry would lead to forced gun buy-backs or even confiscation during some future crisis (either natural or man-made). Having our abilities to defend ourselves from criminals and/or government listed in a database would be sharing information that is way too personal. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Government is good at making us believe that being safer (their definition) is well worth giving up a few rights. Forcing people everywhere to register their private, constitutionally protected guns is a bad idea. I can foresee that guns would even get tied to addresses where their owners no longer live. What if you moved into a home where the previous occupants had a number of guns registered and the police came looking for those folks? We all know that police, most of them being great people, do make mistakes when their adrenaline levels are too high. Would you want your home getting shot up because the previous residents had guns listed in the registry? During a so-called "state of emergency" you can bet some local, state or national governments would make a move to take any weapons that did not reside in the hands of government personnel. It has already happened. See the video below. I believe it is none of the government's business if I own a gun (or guns). Yes, I have to do the same background check as anyone else when I buy a new gun. But do you think that having a national registry would keep guns out of the hands of people who could not pass a background check? Not a chance. I believe you would see a lot of gun owners reporting their guns stolen in order to sell their guns to whomever they desire - just as they can now. When times get bad, whose doors are agents of the government (police or military ) going to be knocking down when they go on their gun collection binges? I'll tell you - the door's that are on the addresses contained in the gun registry. While we do not currently have a government that kicks in doors and gives gas showers or firing squads to people they do not like, we do not know what our government will look like in 50 or 100 years. I want my children and grandchildren to be able to defend themselves from both a tyrannical government or a homicidal maniac (I suppose they could be one and the same though). Starting a national gun registry is the first step to taking guns from people the government does not want possessing guns. Currently these people are felons and those with mental problems. Who might these future gunless people be? People of particular political parties? People of certain economic classes? People of certain religions? It has all happened throughout world history. We pretend to be the enlightened Americans but we have factions that want to take all our freedoms and give all the power to the government just like dictators of past and present we have all heard of.



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