How to Convert Websites Into PDF Documents
There may be times when you want to save a web page as a PDF (Portable Document Function) for future reference and alteration for yourself. You might want to save only a portion or all of it, save some or all of the images therein. One major benefit of PDFs is that they look exactly the same in any format you view them in: online, in a word processing program, as a text document, or printed out. PDF's are guaranteed to be viewable as email attachments, or burned to CDs to be viewed later on anyone's OS. The language of PDF translates to almost any operation system, making it universally acceptable. Another reason for you to convert important pages to PDF is that while bookmarks might be handy, what if you want to read those Web pages where you don't have wireless access? You can pull up PDF's wherever you are, simply because they're stored on your hard drive. There's no simple way for you to simply press a **poof** button and create a PDF. You'll need softw...